Monday, April 8, 2013

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, King Wu of the city's most lively dance Street restaurant lined streets, is a famous cuisine Street the sunglass and Aoki just turn the past, they saw a teenager wore gray is chasing a blue-haired girl, eager Then what? "Yan child sister, Do not Go on, you do not leave me a" Huiyi teenager shouting the Heartbreakers, a Ganchangcunduan the appearance, but unfortunately one were rolling parades around eyes seems some lack of sincerity. graceful girls face, it seems extremely disgust behind the boy, anxious stomping: "you again to haunt me, I reported on the official." Junior was a rogue's said: "newspaper! if the love a person is guilty, I would rather go to jail. "Most of the pedestrians on the street are surprised at the juvenile of a cheeky, so have gathered to watch, shame girls face crimson, she can not stand the watchful eyes glare, but also refused to take more fierce in the the juvenile left foot, hurried out of the crowd, not disappeared. teenagers did not expect the outbreak of the gentle girl up and go so brutal, caught off guard to step a foot grimace in pain, and so his reaction over time, the girls do not know which one alley early as turn into not looking. "Damn, they get lost." him the No gas, not entirely initially askew tenderness appearance and turns, turned and swept away onlookers the crowd, cold face cried: "See what see, never seen a girl what?" everyone burst of laughter, and looked away. teenager down a cheeky, humming a ditty continue everywhere looked beautiful, see to beautiful blew a whistle, and a look ruffian phase, he is beautiful to see Huan, suddenly a hit a wall of cast-iron-like chest, almost let he staggered, and fell to the ground. "Mother's, which is not long eye guy How dare hit Xiaoye clutching his head, pain Yanmaojinxing, the yells Koubuzeyan. a big hand clutched over,cheap oakley sunglasses, grabbed him by the collar, he suddenly will lift off the ground. " ; little bastard kind of just repeat what was it? "juvenile collar big hand Jinjinzuanzhu, almost out of breath, only to see the man standing in front of a short pier sturdy face beard, speak ruffian full of air, is full of murderous eyes. teenager suddenly panic, hastened to beg for mercy, pity that grabs the collar to the other big strength surprisingly, neck to Le air almost breath does not come up his face up with liver-like Qiruoyousi when a cool and bright figure behind the beard Dahan sounded, saved his life. "waves, well, let him . "iron waves this Heiran smile, a juvenile thrown on the ground and patted the palm of your hand easily said:" hooligans, thanks to you today met our elders, otherwise I Zhangpi you also not Get out of here. "the young big mouth and breathing heavily, also heard inside the iron waves, he climbed up and was about to leave, suddenly saw iron waves behind sunglass, immediately to the spirit and shout said: "Wu Wei? actually you?" peer out of five people are stunned, especially sunglass, he looked at each other,replica oakley sunglasses, smiled and asked: "Do I know you?" how do not know? "The boy shows a very exaggerated, he steps across to