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Friday, June 1, 2012

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Unreasonable criticism of the feudal marriage system; film 4, the end of September 1913 in Shanghai for the first screening followed by Asia shadow theater company directed by Zhang Shichuan live impermanence, funny video, participants are taken and Xinmin company has contracts civilized drama actor. the same year, Shanghai denounce Yuan Shikai, Asia shadow play also filming a documentary, Fort scenarios .1913,retro jordans for cheap, Lai Man-wai, Hong Kong host my mirror Theatrical use of the civilization of the drama club play sets and actors, on behalf of the Sino-American film company shooting the short film fan graves actor (see color) .1914, the outbreak of World War I cut off the German film source, Asia will come to an end the Zhang Shichuan in 1916 tube Haifeng cooperation with the drama at home, and their own magic fairy Pictures, with several performances at the new stage of civilization the new drama and overseas shows, there is a certain degree of social impact.oakley black friday deals oakley black friday deals sale ray ban black friday 2015
During the First World War, the establishment of the Shanghai Commercial Press, the 20-year-old publishing institutions, bought a number of film equipment, a pilot in 1917 in support of the board of directors Zhang Yuan Ji, Xiarui Fang, Martin Ham Chang and other filmmakers business, employed U.S. Ye Xiangrong students for the photographer, shooting affairs video, such as director, Ren Peng assistant, Liao Enshou for photographers after the completion of a glass roof during the day can take advantage of daylight to film the studio has filmed four categories of films: current affairs piece, scenery pieces, costume dramas and drama films. had on behalf of shoot first long feature film of two Chinese Yan Ruisheng (1921) and .1921 years ago, but Du Yu founded the shadow play shot length feature film In February 1922, the Zhang Shichuan and Zheng Zheng, Zhou Jianyun, Zheng, partridge and other organizations-Star Pictures,addidas basketball shoe, after the shooting a feature film ethics and hopes the reformist ideas of Wang Hanlun, Zhengxiao Qiu, Wang Xian Zhai, Zhou Wenzhong, beads and so is not civilized