Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Ning Ruxin hold your breath to the body immersed in the bath water, feeling the body fluff swing slowly in the water erosion, to make themselves to remain calm, but it seems to have little effect a confusion in her mind, even her do not know their thinking.
From the tub long after, she suddenly jumped out,oakley juliet sunglasses, standing on the ground suddenly flick, to spread out around a bottle of water droplets and then her feet raised circle foxfire, who wet the hair to dry. Foxfire dispersed Ning Ruxin standing there, looking out across landing herself in the mirror: the sharp mouth, facial, black eyes, triangular ears, soft, fluffy white fur, and nine behind gently swing the tail. Yes, you have to remember in their hearts, Yard came a loud sound and went to the window to look out Ning Ruxin see a team of cars allowed to enter from the outside, several helicopters hovering in the sky will be bright

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