Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Yuan Zongdi believe that the government troops finally inevitably will be eliminated, but will definitely give Tangjun cause greater damage.
Yuan Zongdi just turn a blind eye to Xiaoxie, awakened by the sound of the guards came in he, hurriedly asked: Bodyguard said: Yuan Zongdi surprised, he thought the government troops now that the capture of Xiang Town, Xiang Town defenders maybe destruction of the army, did not expect hundreds of others escaped, busy Guards Road: , please. Valley can into directly taken to the yamen of Shangnan way further and further surprise, full of soldiers, some of them forget about the soldiers of the county even as many as 100,size 15 air jordans,000 people, these soldiers are to the south kept digging trenches, except that the road did not cut around the entire Shangnan dug seventy-eight meters wide, up to 67 meters deep trenches, and trenches are still kept deepening, widening.
They do not know or the Shangnan have numerous factories, but that those wearing military uniforms, and workers linked, people are baffled, Shangnan how the sudden so many soldiers, the Could Tangwangshan had known the government troops to come, it is also unreasonable to mobilize thousands of people how much time a month ago on ready.
Valley can become with a stomach of doubt into the county government, he met with Yuan Zongdi help robust, Yuan Zongdi wearing civilian clothes,authentic nfl jerseys manufacturers, although it is being four-product high-ranking officials, but he wants to see the generals, the guards how to brought him to see a civilian, however, Yuanzong Di in the end than he for a few, the valley can make the trip a ceremony said: The Yuan Zongdi see the doubt in his eyes, said: , you tell me about Xiang Town lost after. Valley can be as soon as the red face instigate up, so the city handed his hands, throw it It should not be more humiliating is that still do not know how lost.
His face was ashamed of the war situation and the government troops yesterday said out, Yuan Zongdi nodded and said: who. Valley into the blush and more severe period of Ai Ai can not be said Xiang Town's three lieutenant-colonel, only Hong An disappeared, but he does not believe that, as the the Shangluo fourth officer origin of Hong An will be traitor, but the West Fort Tangjun no life you want to find out who is the traitor, the Valley can become still not sure.
Yuanzong Di can not be said to see the Valley can become a comfort, he said: you go to rest? Valley can become a full stomach questions not asked, then, hear Yuan Zongdi want them to rest, anxious and said: The brothers take revenge. Yuan Zongdi see the Valley can become a bruised toe, face dust at this time after a long standing, many parts of the wound is bleeding to, and had ordered: , Xiang River

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